Buffer Wrappers

Buffer Wrappers#

// Defined in <oneapi/dpl/iterator>

namespace oneapi {
  namespace dpl {

    template < typename T, typename AllocatorT, typename TagT >
    /*unspecified*/ begin( sycl::buffer<T, /*dim=*/1, AllocatorT> buf,
                           TagT tag = sycl::read_write );

    template < typename T, typename AllocatorT, typename TagT >
    /*unspecified*/ begin( sycl::buffer<T, /*dim=*/1, AllocatorT> buf,
                           TagT tag, sycl::property::no_init );

    template < typename T, typename AllocatorT >
    /*unspecified*/ begin( sycl::buffer<T, /*dim=*/1, AllocatorT> buf,
                           sycl::property::no_init );

    template < typename T, typename AllocatorT, typename TagT >
    /*unspecified*/ end( sycl::buffer<T, /*dim=*/1, AllocatorT> buf,
                         TagT tag = sycl::read_write );

    template < typename T, typename AllocatorT, typename TagT >
    /*unspecified*/ end( sycl::buffer<T, /*dim=*/1, AllocatorT> buf,
                         TagT tag, sycl::property::no_init );

    template < typename T, typename AllocatorT >
    /*unspecified*/ end( sycl::buffer<T, /*dim=*/1, AllocatorT> buf,
                         sycl::property::no_init );


oneapi::dpl::begin and oneapi::dpl::end are helper functions for passing SYCL buffers to oneDPL algorithms. These functions accept a buffer and return an object of an unspecified type that satisfies the following requirements:

  • it is CopyConstructible, CopyAssignable, and comparable with operators == and !=;

  • the following expressions are valid: a + n, a - n, a - b, where a and b are objects of the type, and n is an integer value;

  • it provides the get_buffer() method that returns the buffer passed to the begin or end function.

When invoking an algorithm, the buffer passed to begin should be the same as the buffer passed to end. Otherwise, the behavior is undefined.

SYCL deduction tags (the TagT parameters) and sycl::property::no_init allow to specify an access mode to be used by algorithms for accessing the buffer. The mode serves as a hint, and can be overridden depending on semantics of the algorithm. When invoking an algorithm, the same access mode arguments should be used for begin and end. Otherwise, the behavior is undefined.

using namespace oneapi;
auto buf_begin = dpl::begin(buf, sycl::write_only);
auto buf_end_1 = dpl::end(buf, sycl::write_only);
auto buf_end_2 = dpl::end(buf, sycl::write_only, sycl::no_init);
dpl::fill(dpl::execution::dpcpp_default, buf_begin, buf_end_1, 42); // allowed
dpl::fill(dpl::execution::dpcpp_default, buf_begin, buf_end_2, 42); // not allowed