k-Nearest Neighbors Classification (k-NN)

k-NN classification, regression, and search algorithms are based on finding the k nearest observations to the training set. For classification, the problem is to infer the class of a new feature vector by computing the majority vote of its k nearest observations from the training set. For regression, the problem is to infer the target value of a new feature vector by computing the average target value of its k nearest observations from the training set. For search, the problem is to identify the k nearest observations from the training set to a new feature vector. The nearest observations are computed based on the chosen distance metric.


Computational methods

Programming Interface



k-d tree






k-d tree




Mathematical formulation

Refer to Developer Guide: k-Nearest Neighbors Classification.

Programming Interface

All types and functions in this section are declared in the oneapi::dal::knn namespace and be available via inclusion of the oneapi/dal/algo/knn.hpp header file.

Enum classes

enum class voting_mode

Uniform weights for neighbors for prediction voting.


Weight neighbors by the inverse of their distance.

Result options

class result_option_id

Public Methods

constexpr result_option_id() = default
constexpr result_option_id(const result_option_id_base &base)


template<typename Float = float, typename Method = method::by_default, typename Task = task::by_default, typename Distance = oneapi::dal::minkowski_distance::descriptor<Float>>
class descriptor
Template Parameters
  • Float – The floating-point type that the algorithm uses for intermediate computations. Can be float or double.

  • Method – Tag-type that specifies an implementation of algorithm. Can be method::brute_force or method::kd_tree.

  • Task – Tag-type that specifies type of the problem to solve. Can be task::classification, task::regression, or task::search.

  • Distance – The descriptor of the distance used for computations. Can be minkowski_distance::descriptor or chebyshev_distance::descriptor.


descriptor(std::int64_t class_count, std::int64_t neighbor_count)

Creates a new instance of the class with the given class_count and neighbor_count property values.

template<typename M = Method, typename None = detail::enable_if_brute_force_t<M>>
descriptor(std::int64_t class_count, std::int64_t neighbor_count, const distance_t &distance)

Creates a new instance of the class with the given class_count, neighbor_count and distance property values. Used with method::brute_force only.

template<typename T = Task, typename None = detail::enable_if_not_classification_t<T>>
descriptor(std::int64_t neighbor_count)

Creates a new instance of the class with the given neighbor_count property value. Used with task::search and task::regression only.

template<typename T = Task, typename None = detail::enable_if_not_classification_t<T>>
descriptor(std::int64_t neighbor_count, const distance_t &distance)

Creates a new instance of the class with the given neighbor_count and distance property values. Used with task::search and task::regression only.


std::int64_t class_count

The number of classes c.

Getter & Setter
std::int64_t get_class_count() const
auto & set_class_count(std::int64_t value)
result_option_id result_options

Choose which results should be computed and returned.

Getter & Setter
result_option_id get_result_options() const
auto & set_result_options(const result_option_id &value)
std::int64_t neighbor_count

The number of neighbors k.

Getter & Setter
std::int64_t get_neighbor_count() const
auto & set_neighbor_count(std::int64_t value)
voting_mode voting_mode

The voting mode.

Getter & Setter
voting_mode get_voting_mode() const
auto & set_voting_mode(voting_mode value)
const distance_t &distance

Choose distance type for calculations. Used with method::brute_force only.

Getter & Setter
template <typename M = Method, typename None = detail::enable_if_brute_force_t<M>> const distance_t & get_distance() const
template <typename M = Method, typename None = detail::enable_if_brute_force_t<M>> auto & set_distance(const distance_t &dist)

Method tags

struct brute_force

Tag-type that denotes brute-force computational method.

struct kd_tree

Tag-type that denotes k-d tree computational method.

using by_default = brute_force

Alias tag-type for brute-force computational method.

Task tags

struct classification

Tag-type that parameterizes entities used for solving classification problem.

struct regression

Tag-type that parameterizes entities used for solving the regression problem.

struct search

Tag-type that parameterizes entities used for solving the search problem.

using by_default = classification

Alias tag-type for classification task.


template<typename Task = task::by_default>
class model
Template Parameters

Task – Tag-type that specifies type of the problem to solve. Can be task::classification, task::search and task::regression.



Creates a new instance of the class with the default property values.

Training train(...)


template<typename Task = task::by_default>
class train_input
Template Parameters

Task – Tag-type that specifies type of the problem to solve. Can be task::classification or task::search.


train_input(const table &data, const table &responses)

Creates a new instance of the class with the given data and responses property values.

train_input(const table &data)


const table &labels

Vector of labels y for the training set X. Default value: table{}.

Getter & Setter
const table & get_labels() const
template <typename T = Task, typename None = detail::enable_if_classification_t<T>> auto & set_labels(const table &value)
const table &data

The training set X. Default value: table{}.

Getter & Setter
const table & get_data() const
auto & set_data(const table &data)
const table &responses

Vector of responses y for the training set X. Default value: table{}.

Getter & Setter
const table & get_responses() const
template <typename T = Task, typename None = detail::enable_if_classification_t<T>> auto & set_responses(const table &responses)


template<typename Task = task::by_default>
class train_result
Template Parameters

Task – Tag-type that specifies type of the problem to solve. Can be task::classification or task::search.



Creates a new instance of the class with the default property values.


const model<Task> &model

The trained k-NN model. Default value: model<Task>{}.

Getter & Setter
const model< Task > & get_model() const
auto & set_model(const model< Task > &value)


template<typename Descriptor>
knn::train_result train(const Descriptor &desc, const knn::train_input &input)
  • desc – k-NN algorithm descriptor knn::descriptor

  • input – Input data for the training operation

input.data.has_data == true
input.labels.has_data == true
input.data.row_count == input.labels.row_count
input.labels.column_count == 1
input.labels[i] >= 0
input.labels[i] < desc.class_count

Inference infer(...)


template<typename Task = task::by_default>
class infer_input
Template Parameters

Task – Tag-type that specifies type of the problem to solve. Can be task::classification or task::search.


infer_input(const table &data, const model<Task> &model)

Creates a new instance of the class with the given model and data property values.


const model<Task> &model

The trained k-NN model. Default value: model<Task>{}.

Getter & Setter
const model< Task > & get_model() const
auto & set_model(const model< Task > &m)
const table &data

The dataset for inference X. Default value: table{}.

Getter & Setter
const table & get_data() const
auto & set_data(const table &data)


template<typename Task = task::by_default>
class infer_result
Template Parameters

Task – Tag-type that specifies type of the problem to solve. Can be task::classification or task::search.



Creates a new instance of the class with the default property values.


const table &distances

Distances to nearest neighbors. Default value: table{}.

Getter & Setter
const table & get_distances() const
auto & set_distances(const table &value)
const table &responses

The predicted responses. Default value: table{}.

Getter & Setter
const table & get_responses() const
template <typename T = Task, typename None = detail::enable_if_not_search_t<T>> auto & set_responses(const table &value)
const table &indices

Indices of nearest neighbors. Default value: table{}.

Getter & Setter
const table & get_indices() const
auto & set_indices(const table &value)
const table &labels

The predicted labels. Default value: table{}.

Getter & Setter
const table & get_labels() const
template <typename T = Task, typename None = detail::enable_if_classification_t<T>> auto & set_labels(const table &value)
const result_option_id &result_options

Result options that indicates availability of the properties.

Getter & Setter
const result_option_id & get_result_options() const
auto & set_result_options(const result_option_id &value)


template<typename Descriptor>
knn::infer_result infer(const Descriptor &desc, const knn::infer_input &input)
  • desc – k-NN algorithm descriptor knn::descriptor

  • input – Input data for the inference operation

input.data.has_data == true
result.labels.row_count == input.data.row_count
result.labels.column_count == 1
result.labels[i] >= 0
result.labels[i] < desc.class_count

Usage Example


knn::model<> run_training(const table& data,
                        const table& labels) {
   const std::int64_t class_count = 10;
   const std::int64_t neighbor_count = 5;
   const auto knn_desc = knn::descriptor<float>{class_count, neighbor_count};

   const auto result = train(knn_desc, data, labels);

   return result.get_model();


table run_inference(const knn::model<>& model,
                  const table& new_data) {
   const std::int64_t class_count = 10;
   const std::int64_t neighbor_count = 5;
   const auto knn_desc = knn::descriptor<float>{class_count, neighbor_count};

   const auto result = infer(knn_desc, model, new_data);

   print_table("labels", result.get_labels());
