Annotated version: BRGeMM ukernel example
Annotated version: BRGeMM ukernel example
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2024 Intel Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. *******************************************************************************/ #include <algorithm> #include <cmath> #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <utility> #include <vector> #include "example_utils.hpp" #include "oneapi/dnnl/dnnl_ukernel.hpp" using namespace dnnl; using namespace dnnl::ukernel; using tag = memory::format_tag; using dt = memory::data_type; void brgemm_example() { // Create execution dnnl::engine. Needed for reorders to operate over input // data. dnnl::engine engine(engine::kind::cpu, 0); // Create dnnl::stream. Needed for reorders for the same reason. dnnl::stream engine_stream(engine); // ukernel dimensions. // K is for a whole tensor, K_k is for a single ukernel. const memory::dim M = 8, K = 64, K_k = 32, N = 48; if (K % K_k != 0) { printf("K_k must divide K.\n"); return; } const memory::dim n_calls = K / K_k; const memory::dim lda = K; const memory::dim ldb = N; const memory::dim ldc = N; // Leading dimension for accumulator. const memory::dim ldd = N; // Leading dimension for an actual output. const memory::dim batch_size = n_calls - 1; #define DT dt::f32 memory::data_type a_dt = DT; memory::data_type b_dt = DT; memory::data_type c_dt = dt::f32; // Accumulator data type. memory::data_type d_dt = DT; // Output data type. #undef DT // A, B, and C tensors dimensions. memory::dims A_dims = {M, K}; memory::dims B_dims = {K, N}; memory::dims C_dims = {M, N}; memory::dims D_dims = {M, N}; memory::dims binary_add_dims = {1, 1}; // Allocate buffers with user data. std::vector<float> A_user_data(product(A_dims)); std::vector<float> B_user_data(product(B_dims)); std::vector<float> binary_add_user_data(product(binary_add_dims)); std::vector<float> D_data(product(D_dims)); // For reference comparison std::vector<float> D_user_data(product(D_dims)); // For reference comparison // Initialize A, B, and binary_add. std::generate(A_user_data.begin(), A_user_data.end(), []() { static int i = 0; return i++ % 4; }); std::generate(B_user_data.begin(), B_user_data.end(), []() { static int i = 6; static int sign_gen = 0; int sign = (sign_gen++ % 2) ? -1 : 1; float val = sign * (i++ % 5); return val; }); std::generate( binary_add_user_data.begin(), binary_add_user_data.end(), []() { static int i = 3; return i++ % 6; }); // Create f32 memories. They are used as data holders and reorder into // memories passed to the ukernel. auto A_f32_md = memory::desc(A_dims, dt::f32, tag::ab); auto B_f32_md = memory::desc(B_dims, dt::f32, tag::ab); auto binary_add_f32_md = memory::desc(binary_add_dims, dt::f32, tag::ab); auto D_f32_md = memory::desc(D_dims, dt::f32, tag::ab); auto A_f32_mem = memory(A_f32_md, engine, A_user_data.data()); auto B_f32_mem = memory(B_f32_md, engine, B_user_data.data()); auto binary_add_f32_mem = memory(binary_add_f32_md, engine, binary_add_user_data.data()); auto D_f32_mem = memory(D_f32_md, engine, D_user_data.data()); // Create ukernel memories in requested data types. // Note that all formats are `ab`. auto A_md = memory::desc(A_dims, a_dt, tag::ab); auto B_md = memory::desc(B_dims, b_dt, tag::ab); auto binary_add_md = memory::desc(binary_add_dims, dt::f32, tag::ab); auto C_md = memory::desc(C_dims, c_dt, tag::ab); auto D_md = memory::desc(D_dims, d_dt, tag::ab); auto A_mem = memory(A_md, engine); auto B_mem = memory(B_md, engine); auto binary_add_mem = memory(binary_add_md, engine); auto C_mem = memory(C_md, engine); auto D_mem = memory(D_md, engine); const auto *A_ptr = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(A_mem.get_data_handle()); auto *B_ptr = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(B_mem.get_data_handle()); const size_t a_dt_size = memory::data_type_size(A_mem.get_desc().get_data_type()); const size_t b_dt_size = memory::data_type_size(B_mem.get_desc().get_data_type()); // Reorder user data into buffers passed to ukernels in target data types. reorder(A_f32_mem, A_mem).execute(engine_stream, A_f32_mem, A_mem); reorder(B_f32_mem, B_mem).execute(engine_stream, B_f32_mem, B_mem); reorder(binary_add_f32_mem, binary_add_mem) .execute(engine_stream, binary_add_f32_mem, binary_add_mem); reorder(D_f32_mem, D_mem).execute(engine_stream, D_f32_mem, D_mem); // Prepare C buffer. Needed to use a single ukernel in the example with // `beta = 1.f`. // Note: to avoid this step, the first ukernel should run `beta = 0`, and it // will initialize C buffer with intermediate values. float *C_ptr = reinterpret_cast<float *>(C_mem.get_data_handle()); for (memory::dim i = 0; i < M * N; i++) { C_ptr[i] = 0; } // Create ukernel post-ops (ReLU + Add). // It reuses `primitive_attr` abstraction. post_ops brgemm_ops; brgemm_ops.append_eltwise( algorithm::eltwise_relu, /* alpha = */ 0.f, /* beta = */ 0.f); brgemm_ops.append_binary(algorithm::binary_add, binary_add_md); primitive_attr brgemm_attr; brgemm_attr.set_post_ops(brgemm_ops); // Create BRGeMM ukernel objects. // There are two objects: // * `brg` is the main one which operates over partitioned K dimension. It // utilizes `beta = 1.f` to accumulate into the same buffer. It also uses // `batch_size` to process as much as `n_calls - 1` iterations. // * `brg_po` is the ukernel that would be called the last in the chain // since it has attributes attached to the object and those will execute // after all accumulation over K dimension is done. // Note: `beta = 1.f` makes a ukernel reusable over K but will require // zeroing the correspondent piece of accumulation buffer. brgemm brg, brg_po; if (batch_size > 0) { try { brg = brgemm(M, N, K_k, batch_size, lda, ldb, ldc, a_dt, b_dt, c_dt, /* alpha = */ 1.f, /* beta = */ 1.f); // Generate the executable JIT code for the objects. brg.generate(); } catch (error &e) { if (e.status == dnnl_unimplemented) throw example_allows_unimplemented { "Kernel is not supported on this platform.\n"}; // on any other error just re-throw throw; } } try { brg_po = brgemm(M, N, K_k, 1, lda, ldb, ldc, ldd, a_dt, b_dt, c_dt, d_dt, 1.f, 1.f, brgemm_attr); // Generate the executable JIT code for the objects. brg_po.generate(); } catch (error &e) { if (e.status == dnnl_unimplemented) throw example_allows_unimplemented { "Kernel is not supported on this platform.\n"}; // on any other error just re-throw throw; } // Query a scratchpad size and initialize a scratchpad buffer if the ukernel // is expecting it. This is a service space needed, has nothing in common // with accumulation buffer. size_t scratchpad_size = brg_po.get_scratchpad_size(); std::vector<uint8_t> scratchpad(scratchpad_size); // Packing B tensor routine. The BRGeMM ukernel expects B passed in a // special VNNI format for low precision data types, e.g., bf16. // For f32 data type the routine blocks data in memory friendly way. This // is beneficial in cases when leading dimension has a big power of 2 which // leads to cache aliasing effects. // Note: the routine doesn't take `batch_size` in the constructor as there's // no performance benefit to copy more data at once. It's user's // responsibility to iterate pack routine over batch_size provided for a // ukernel. brgemm_pack_b pack_B(/* K = */ K_k, /* N = */ N, /* in_ld = */ N, /* out_ld = */ ldb, /* in_dt = */ b_dt, /* out_dt = */ b_dt); uint8_t *B_blocked = nullptr; void *B_base_ptr = B_ptr; size_t blocked_B_size = 0; if (pack_B.need_pack()) { // Size of the packed tensor. blocked_B_size = ldb * K_k * memory::data_type_size(b_dt); B_blocked = new uint8_t[blocked_B_size * n_calls]; B_base_ptr = B_blocked; // Pack B routine execution. // Note: usually should be split to process only that part of B that the // ukernel will execute. pack_B.generate(); for (memory::dim i = 0; i < n_calls; i++) { auto *B_ptr_i = B_ptr + i * N * K_k * b_dt_size; auto *B_blocked_ptr_i = B_blocked + i * blocked_B_size; pack_B.execute(B_ptr_i, B_blocked_ptr_i); } } // BRGeMM ukernel execute section. // Prepare buffers for execution. std::vector<std::pair<memory::dim, memory::dim>> A_B_offsets(batch_size); for (memory::dim i = 0; i < batch_size; i++) { const memory::dim A_offset_i = i * K_k * a_dt_size; const memory::dim B_offset_i = pack_B.need_pack() ? i * blocked_B_size : i * N * K_k * b_dt_size; A_B_offsets[i] = std::make_pair(A_offset_i, B_offset_i); } if (brg) { // Make an object to call HW specialized routines. For example, prepare // AMX unit. brg.set_hw_context(); // An execute call. `A_B` is a vector of pointers to A and packed B // tensors. `acc_ptr` is a pointer to an accumulator buffer. brg.execute(A_ptr, B_base_ptr, A_B_offsets, C_ptr, scratchpad.data()); } // Same set of operations for a ukernel with post-ops. std::vector<std::pair<memory::dim, memory::dim>> A_B_po_offsets; const memory::dim A_offset_po = batch_size * K_k * a_dt_size; const memory::dim B_offset_po = pack_B.need_pack() ? batch_size * blocked_B_size : batch_size * N * K_k * b_dt_size; A_B_po_offsets.emplace_back(A_offset_po, B_offset_po); // This object also requires this call. brg_po.set_hw_context(); // An execute call. The difference here is an additional D tensor pointer // to store final output result after finishing accumulation and post-ops // application. brg_po.execute(A_ptr, B_base_ptr, A_B_po_offsets, C_ptr, D_mem.get_data_handle(), scratchpad.data(), binary_add_mem.get_data_handle()); // Once all computations are done, need to release HW context. brgemm::release_hw_context(); // Clean up an extra buffer. delete B_blocked; // Used for verification results, need unconditional reorder. auto user_D_mem = memory(D_f32_md, engine, D_data.data()); reorder(D_mem, user_D_mem).execute(engine_stream, D_mem, user_D_mem); // A simplified fast verification that ukernel returned expected results. // Note: potential off-by-1 or 2 errors may pop up. This could be solved // with more sparse filling. bool to_throw = false; for (int m = 0; m < M; m++) { for (int n = 0; n < N; n++) { D_user_data[m * N + n] = 0; for (int k = 0; k < K; k++) { D_user_data[m * N + n] += A_user_data[m * K + k] * B_user_data[k * N + n]; } // Relu post-op ref D_user_data[m * N + n] = std::max(D_user_data[m * N + n], 0.f); // Binary post-op ref D_user_data[m * N + n] += binary_add_user_data[0]; const float diff = fabsf(D_user_data[m * N + n] - D_data[m * N + n]); if (diff > 1.19e-7) { to_throw = true; if (true) { printf("Error: [%3d:%3d] Ref:%12g Got:%12g Diff:%12g\n", m, n, D_user_data[m * N + n], D_data[m * N + n], diff); } } } } if (to_throw) { throw status::runtime_error; } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { return handle_example_errors({dnnl::engine::kind::cpu}, brgemm_example); }