Experimental features

To test aggressive performance optimizations that might affect accuracy or new API and functionality without an impact to regular users, oneDNN provides experimental features.

Build-time Controls

There are two kinds of experimental features:

  1. Features that can be enabled at runtime with an environment variable. To enable such experimental features, the library should be built with a CMake option ONEDNN_EXPERIMENTAL=ON. Each experimental feature has to be individually selected using environment variables.

  2. Features that can be enabled only with a build time option. To enable such experimental features, the library should be built with a CMake option that corresponds to a particular feature.

Both kinds of experimental features can be enabled simultaneously.

Experimental features

Environment variable



Calculate mean and variance in batch normalization(BN) in single pass ( RFC ).

Build time option



Enable experimental API and functionality for sparse domain.


Enable experimental microkernel APIs and functionalities.


Enable experimental profiling API.


Enable experimental graph compiler backend of the graph component.

Features details


This option extends the existing API and adds a new one to support sparse functionality in oneDNN.


The main change is in oneDNN memory object semantics. Now, the memory object can have multiple underlying buffers. In the case of regular dense computations, the memory object always contains a single buffer. But in the case of sparse computations, the memory object always contains one buffer for values and an arbitrary number of additional buffers for metadata.

The underlying buffers are enumerated starting with 0, meaning that each buffer has its own number. The buffer with values always has index 0.

In most cases, the API that works with underlying buffers takes a buffer index. The exception is the API for creating a memory object. In that case, the API takes a vector of buffers. The order of the buffers in the vector matters and should correspond to the buffers’ indices.

oneDNN also introduces a new format kind dnnl::memory::format_kind::sparse. Sparse encoding (a.k.a. sparse format) is an enumeration type that specifies how data is encoded. Currently, oneDNN supports CSR (Compressed Sparse Row) and PACKED sparse encodings (dnnl::memory::sparse_encoding::csr, dnnl::memory::sparse_encoding_packed).

The memory descriptor has dedicated static member functions for creating memory descriptors for different sparse encodings.

Each encoding defines the number and meaning of the buffers.

Sparse encoding



0 - values, 1 - indices, 2 - pointers


The meaning and content are unspecified

The pseudo-code below demonstrates how to create a memory object for CSR sparse encoding and use the new API to work with the underlying handles.

using namespace dnnl;
const memory::dim M = 4, N = 6;
const memory::dim nnz = 5;
const auto values_dt = memory::data_type::f32;
const auto indices_dt = memory::data_type::s32;
const auto pointers_dt = memory::data_type::s32;

// Create a memory descriptor for CSR sparse encoding.
const auto csr_md = memory::desc::csr(
        {M, N}, // Dimensions
        values_dt, // Data type of values
        nnz, // Number of non-zero entries
        indices_dt, // Data type of indices (metadata)
        pointers_dt); // Data type of pointers (metadata)

// A sparse matrix represented in the CSR format.
std::vector<float> csr_values = {2.5f, 1.5f, 1.5f, 2.5f, 2.0f};
std::vector<int32_t> csr_indices = {0, 2, 0, 5, 1};
std::vector<int32_t> csr_pointers = {0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 5};

// Create a memory object for the given buffers with values and metadata.
memory csr_mem(csr_md, engine, {
    csr_values.data(), // Buffer with values
    csr_indices.data(), // Buffer with indices (metadata)
    csr_pointers.data() // Buffer with pointers (metadata)

const auto values_sz = csr_mem.get_size(0);
const auto indices_sz = csr_mem.get_size(1);
const auto pointers_sz = csr_mem.get_size(2);

assert(values_sz == csr_values.size() * sizeof(float));
assert(indices_sz == csr_indices.size() * sizeof(int32_t));
assert(pointers_sz == csr_pointers.size() * sizeof(int32_t));

void *values_handle = csr_mem.get_data_handle(0);
void *indices_handle = csr_mem.get_data_handle(1);
void *pointers_handle = csr_mem.get_data_handle(2);

assert(values_handle == (void *)csr_values.data());
assert(indices_handle == (void *)csr_indices.data());
assert(pointers_handle == (void *)csr_pointers.data());

A memory descriptor created for the sparse encoding PACKED cannot be used to create a memory object. It can only be used to create a primitive descriptor to query the actual memory descriptor (similar to the format tag any).


Matrix Multiplication

This option enables the matmul primitive that can work with sparse input tensors.

CSR encoding

Only one of the input tensors is allowed to be sparse. The output tensor is always dense.

The following data types combinations are supported:







The following format tags are supported for dense input/output tensors:

  • ab

See the example here.

Benchdnn can be used to test matmul with a CSR input tensor as follows: ./benchdnn --matmul --encoding=csr+0.99:: --wtag=ab --dtag=ab 4x1000000:1000000x128

For the case above, the number of non-zero elements for the source tensor is calculated as max(4 * 1000000 * (1 - 0.99), 1).

PACKED encoding

Only the weights tensor is allowed to be sparse. The other tensors are always dense.

In general, it is expected that all matmul related functionality (e.g. post-ops, scales, zero-points, etc) that is supported for the dense weights should also work for the sparse weights.

Currently, matmul has the following limitations for the PACKED encoding:

  • Only Intel Advanced Matrix Extensions (Intel AMX) instruction set architecture (ISA) is supported

  • Only s8 data type for the weights is supported

  • Only 1 batch dimension is supported

See the example here.

Benchdnn can be used to test matmul with the PACKED weights tensor as follows: ./benchdnn --matmul --dt=s8:s8:s32 --encoding=:packed+0.99: 3x512x1024:1x1024x512

For the case above, the number of non-zero elements for the weights tensor is calculated as max(1024 * 512 * (1 - 0.99), 1).


Currently, there is only one reorder for packing a dense tensor, i.e. converting a dense tensor that is in ab format to a sparse tensor that is encoded with the PACKED encoding.

In general, it is expected that all reorder-related functionality (e.g. scales, zero-points, etc) that is supported for the dense destination tensor should also work for the sparse one.

Common Limitations

  • This functionality is not supported for SYCL and OpenCL runtimes

  • The interoperability API for sparse memory is not provided

  • Sparse memory and memory descriptor can only be used with the Matrix Multiplication and Reorder primitives

  • Sparse memory can be created only for a CPU engine


This option enables a new set of CPU-only APIs to support block-level functionalities. By composing these low-level, sequential operations, users can implement their own custom operations/fusions, and tailor blocking/threading logic to their applications.

More details on this API are available in the Microkernel APIs section”.


This option enables profiling API that can be used to query different profiling data.

There are two ways to use the profiling capabilities:

  • Create a queue with enabled profiling capabilities and use the interoperability API to create a oneDNN stream with the queue. The library will identify that the queue supports profiling and will collect profiling data

  • Create a oneDNN stream using runtime agnostic API and enable profiling capabilities using the stream flag stream::flags::profiling

Below is a pseudo-code that demonstrates the profiling API usage with a user-provided queue.

dnnl::engine engine(engine::kind::gpu, 0);
// Create a queue with enabled profiling mode.
cl_command_queue ocl_queue {};
cl_queue_properties props[] = {CL_QUEUE_PROPERTIES, CL_QUEUE_PROFILING_ENABLE, 0};
ocl_queue = clCreateCommandQueueWithProperties(ocl_interop::get_context(engine),
    ocl_interop::get_device(engine), props, ...);
// Create dnnl::stream with the queue.
dnnl::stream stream = ocl_interop::make_stream(engine, ocl_queue);
// Create a convolution primitive ... //
// Reset profiler's state.
// Enqueue same primitive twice and wait for both executions to complete.
conv_prim.execute(stream, ...)
conv_prim.execute(stream, ...)
// Query profiling data. The vector size will be equal to the number of
// executions happened on the stream since the last `dnnl::reset_profiling`
// call.
std::vector<uint64_t> nsecs = dnnl::get_profiling_data(stream, profiling_data_kind::time);
assert(nsecs.size() == 2);
// Reset profiler's state.


  • When the stream is created with enabled profiling capabilities it will collect profiling data for each primitive execution. It is the user’s responsibility to reset the profiler’s state to avoid consuming all memory resources in the system.


  • Only GPU engines with OpenCL and SYCL runtimes are supported

  • Only Intel vendor is supported for SYCL runtime

  • Out-of-order queue is not supported


This option extends the coverage scope of the graph API to cover larger fusion patterns apart from primitive patterns. Refer to Graph Compiler for more details.


  • Enabling some experimental features does not guarantee that the library will utilize them

  • Enabling some experimental features might change the accuracy of oneDNN primitives