Deduction Guides for blocked_nd_range
To enable this feature, define the TBB_PREVIEW_BLOCKED_ND_RANGE_DEDUCTION_GUIDES
macro to 1.
The blocked_nd_range
class represents a recursively divisible N-dimensional half-open interval for the oneTBB
parallel algorithms. This feature extends blocked_nd_range
to support Class Template Argument
Deduction (starting from C++17). With that, you do not need to specify template arguments explicitly
while creating a blocked_nd_range
object if they can be inferred from the constructor arguments:
oneapi::tbb::blocked_range<int> range1(0, 100);
oneapi::tbb::blocked_range<int> range2(0, 200);
oneapi::tbb::blocked_range<int> range3(0, 300);
// Since 3 unidimensional ranges of type int are provided, the type of nd_range
// can be deduced as oneapi::tbb::blocked_nd_range<int, 3>
oneapi::tbb::blocked_nd_range nd_range(range1, range2, range3);
For more detailed description of the implementation of this feature or to leave comments or feedback on the API, please refer to the [corresponding RFC](uxlfoundation/oneTBB).
#include <oneapi/tbb/blocked_nd_range.h>
namespace oneapi {
namespace tbb {
template <typename Value, unsigned int N>
class blocked_nd_range {
// Member types and constructors defined as part of oneTBB specification
using value_type = Value;
using dim_range_type = blocked_range<value_type>;
using size_type = typename dim_range_type::size_type;
blocked_nd_range(const dim_range_type& dim0, /*exactly N arguments of type const dim_range_type&*/); // [1]
blocked_nd_range(const value_type (&dim_size)[N], size_type grainsize = 1); // [2]
blocked_nd_range(blocked_nd_range& r, split); // [3]
blocked_nd_range(blocked_nd_range& r, proportional_split); // [4]
}; // class blocked_nd_range
// Explicit deduction guides
template <typename Value, typename... Values>
blocked_nd_range(blocked_range<Value>, blocked_range<Values>...)
-> blocked_nd_range<Value, 1 + sizeof...(Values)>;
template <typename Value, unsigned int... Ns>
blocked_nd_range(const Value (&...)[Ns])
-> blocked_nd_range<Value, sizeof...(Ns)>;
template <typename Value, unsigned int N>
blocked_nd_range(const Value (&)[N], typename blocked_nd_range<Value, N>::size_type = 1)
-> blocked_nd_range<Value, N>;
template <typename Value, unsigned int N>
blocked_nd_range(blocked_nd_range<Value, N>, split)
-> blocked_nd_range<Value, N>;
template <typename Value, unsigned int N>
blocked_nd_range(blocked_nd_range<Value, N>, proportional_split)
-> blocked_nd_range<Value, N>;
} // namespace tbb
} // namespace oneapi
Deduction Guides#
The copy and move constructors of blocked_nd_range
provide implicitly generated deduction guides.
In addition, the following explicit deduction guides are provided:
template <typename Value, typename... Values>
blocked_nd_range(blocked_range<Value>, blocked_range<Values>...)
-> blocked_nd_range<Value, 1 + sizeof...(Values)>;
Effects: Enables deduction when a set of blocked_range
objects is passed to the blocked_nd_range
constructor [1]
Constraints: Participates in overload resolution only if all of the types in Values are same as Value.
template <typename Value, unsigned int... Ns>
blocked_nd_range(const Value (&...)[Ns])
-> blocked_nd_range<Value, sizeof...(Ns)>;
Effects: Enables deduction when a set of blocked_range
objects is provided as braced-init-lists
to the blocked_nd_range
constructor [1]
Constraints: Participates in overload resolution only if sizeof...(Ns) >= 2
, and each integer Ni
in Ns
is either 2
or 3
, corresponding to blocked_range
constructors with 2 and 3 arguments, respectively.
The guide allows a deduction only from braced-init-lists containing objects of the same type.
For ranges with non-integral value_type
, setting an explicit grainsize argument
is not supported by the deduction guides and requires specifying explicit template arguments.
template <typename Value, unsigned int N>
blocked_nd_range(const Value (&)[N], typename blocked_nd_range<Value, N>::size_type = 1)
-> blocked_nd_range<Value, N>;
Effects: Allows deduction from a single C array object indicating a set of dimension sizes to constructor
of blocked_nd_range
template <typename Value, unsigned int N>
blocked_nd_range(blocked_nd_range<Value, N>, split)
-> blocked_nd_range<Value, N>;
Effects: Allows deduction while using the splitting constructor 3
of blocked_nd_range
template <typename Value, unsigned int N>
blocked_nd_range(blocked_nd_range<Value, N>, proportional_split)
-> blocked_nd_range<Value, N>;
Effects: Allows deduction while using the proportional splitting constructor 4
of blocked_nd_range
oneapi::tbb::blocked_range<int> range1(0, 100);
oneapi::tbb::blocked_range<int> range2(0, 200);
// Deduced as blocked_nd_range<int, 2>
oneapi::tbb::blocked_nd_range nd_range(range1, range2);
// Deduced as blocked_nd_range<int, 2>
oneapi::tbb::blocked_nd_range nd_range({0, 100}, {0, 200, 5});
int endings[3] = {100, 200, 300};
// Deduced as blocked_nd_range<int, 3>
oneapi::tbb::blocked_nd_range nd_range1(endings);
// Deduced as blocked_nd_range<int, 3>
oneapi::tbb::blocked_nd_range nd_range2({100, 200, 300}, /*grainsize = */10);