.. index:: pair: page; Concat .. _doxid-dev_guide_op_concat: Concat ====== General ~~~~~~~ Concat operation concatenates :math:`N` tensors over ``axis`` (here designated :math:`C`) and is defined as (the variable names follow the standard :ref:`Naming Conventions <doxid-dev_guide_conventions>`): .. math:: \dst(\overline{ou}, c, \overline{in}) = \src_i(\overline{ou}, c', \overline{in}), where :math:`c = C_1 + .. + C_{i-1} {}_{} + c'`. Operation attributes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ================================================================================================================= ======================================================= ==== ========================================================== ========= Attribute Name De ================================================================================================================= ======================================================= ==== ========================================================== ========= :ref:`axis <doxid-classdnnl_1_1graph_1_1op_1ac7650c0c15849338f9c558f53ce82684a433169d5d9bcbb6d43f0d288e68f0cad>` Specifies dimension along which concatenation happens. s64 A s64 value in the range of [-r, r-1] where r = rank(src) Required ================================================================================================================= ======================================================= ==== ========================================================== ========= Execution arguments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The inputs and outputs must be provided according to below index order when constructing an operation. Inputs ------ ====== ========== ========= Index Argu ====== ========== ========= 0 ``src_i`` Required ====== ========== ========= .. note:: At least one input tensor is required. Data types and ranks of all input tensors should match. The dimensions of all input tensors should be the same except for the dimension specified by ``axis`` attribute. Outputs ------- ====== ======== ========= Index Argu ====== ======== ========= 0 ``dst`` Required ====== ======== ========= Supported data types ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Concat operation supports the following data type combinations. ===== ===== Src D ===== ===== f32 f32 bf16 bf16 f16 f16 ===== =====